Habitat: Seagrass and macroalgae beds. Occasionally rocky reef
Depth: Subtidal to 5 metres
This common, but patchily distributed snail has a flattish cream shell, often with a pale green or orange tinge. Although it is often heavily eroded or encrusted, the shell has subtle wavy ridges that change to nodules on the lower whorls. Juveniles have pointed projections, with the shell resembling a circular saw blade. This snail can easily be confused with other species including Bembicium vittatum and various Clanculus species, and requires close examination of the shell and habitat, which is usually seagrass or algae beds. It can also be mistaken for eroded specimens of the more heavily ribbed Australium squamiferum, as well as the star-shaped juveniles, which look alike in both species.