Astropecten preissi

Astropecten preissi

Size: 15 cm

Distribution: All SA coastal and gulf waters

Habitat: Sandy and silty bottoms. Often found in estuaries

Depth: Shallow subtidal to 10+ metres

Astropecten preissi
Astropecten preissi

This five-armed seastar can be found in sandy or silty environments and is common in (but not exclusive to) estuarine environments. It is usually covered by a layer of sand, but can be distinguished by the comb-like spines on the edges of its arms. It is a pale cream/orange in colour with slight purple tinges towards the end of the arms. Astropecten species can be difficult to differentiate, but this species is the only one found in South Australia that does not have an extra row of upward-pointing spines on the top edges of the arms (superomarginal spines).