Brown Bryozoan
directions_boat This is an invasive or introduced species.

Bugula neritina

Bugula neritina - Brown Bryozoan

Size: 15 cm

Distribution: Southern metropolitan waters west to Ceduna

Habitat: Rocky reef or artificial structures

Depth: Shallow Subtidal

Bugula neritina - Brown Bryozoan
Bugula neritina - Brown Bryozoan
Bugula neritina - Brown Bryozoan
Bugula neritina - Brown Bryozoan
Bugula neritina - Brown Bryozoan

This introduced bryozoan forms maroon to brown branching tufts of around 10 cm on rocky reef and artificial structures. The branches are about a half millimetre in diameter and the zooids are large, at 1 mm in length. Although superficially similar to algae, it is easily identified on close examination. It should be noted however, that the Brown Bryozoan is actually a complex of at least 3 visually identical species, and it is not certain which ones occur in SA.