Girdled Goby

Nesogobius maccullochi

Nesogobius maccullochi - Girdled Goby
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Size: 9 cm

Distribution: All SA coastal and gulf waters

Habitat: Sandy areas. Seagrass

Depth: Subtidal to 5 metres

Nesogobius maccullochi - Girdled Goby
Nesogobius maccullochi - Girdled Goby

This tan to brown goby is named for the 4-6 dark bands across the back, and has a similar number of elongated spots or rectangles on the lower half of the body. Additionally this species has a dark spot on the caudal peduncle and a dark bar from the eye to the rear end of the jaw. This goby is difficult to distinguish from other goby species, including Favonigobius, and expert confirmation is often required.