Pencil Weed Whiting

Siphonognathus beddomei

Siphonognathus beddomei - Pencil Weed Whiting
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Size: 14 cm

Distribution: All SA coastal and gulf waters

Habitat: Macroalgae, rocky reef

Depth: Subtidal to 10+ metres

Siphonognathus beddomei - Pencil Weed Whiting
Siphonognathus beddomei - Pencil Weed Whiting
Siphonognathus beddomei - Pencil Weed Whiting

As its name suggests, this weed whiting is extremely slender. It has comparitavely large eyes, and a diamond-shaped tail that often features a large ocellus. This species is sexually dichromic, with females usually being a green colour, while males often have a brassy tone.