Lehmann's Top Shell

Prothalotia lehmanni

Prothalotia lehmanni - Lehmann's Top Shell
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Size: 2 cm

Distribution: All SA coastal and gulf waters

Habitat: Rocky reef and coast on macroalgae

Depth: Lower intertidal to shallow subtidal

Prothalotia lehmanni - Lehmann's Top Shell
Prothalotia lehmanni - Lehmann's Top Shell
Prothalotia lehmanni - Lehmann's Top Shell

Found on rocks or amongst algae and seagrass, this medium-sized snail has a pale shell, with wavy dark reddish brown axial bands of varying thicknesses. It has a relatively long spire for the family, and straight whorls with a distinct shoulder. It closely resembles the related Prothalotia pulcherrimus and Thalotia conica, which differ due to their slightly rounded whorls, which do not have the obvious shoulder of P. lehmanni.