Velvet Sea Star

Petricia vernicina

Petricia vernicina - Velvet Sea Star
map Distribution

Size: 18 cm

Distribution: All SA coastal and gulf waters

Habitat: Rocky areas and reef

Depth: Lower intertidal to 10+ metres

Petricia vernicina - Velvet Sea Star
Petricia vernicina - Velvet Sea Star
Petricia vernicina - Velvet Sea Star
Petricia vernicina - Velvet Sea Star

A common sea star on SA's rocky coasts, this species is one of the few that does not have plates on its dorsal surface, which gives it a velvety appearance. It is usually orange in colour, but can range from pale to bright orange, and be uniform or patchy. Other colour forms have been noted interstate, including pink, tan, purple and red. Its five arms are relatively thick and short, while it has obvious pores on its dorsal surface, where its papulae (respiratory appendages also called "skin gills") are often projected and can be readily visible. Its smooth appearance with no plates or spines ensures that this species is unlikely to be mistaken for any other.