Wavy Periwinkle

Lunella undulata

Lunella undulata - Wavy Periwinkle
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Size: 7.5 cm

Distribution: All SA coastal and gulf waters

Habitat: Rocky reef and coast

Depth: Lower intertidal to subtidal

Lunella undulata - Wavy Periwinkle
Lunella undulata - Wavy Periwinkle
Lunella undulata - Wavy Periwinkle
Lunella undulata - Wavy Periwinkle
Lunella undulata - Wavy Periwinkle

This is a common large snail, which often lives in large aggregations in and around rocks. Dark green to almost black in colour with a white operculum, this snail also has wavy white stripes on its shell, although occasionally it is so eroded that the pattern is not visible. Smaller and smoother than the closely-related Lunella torquata, empty shells are often occupied by Paguristes sp. hermit crabs.