Wavy Top

Diloma concamerata

Diloma concamerata - Wavy Top
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Size: 2.5 cm

Distribution: All SA coastal and gulf waters

Habitat: Rocky coast, on or under rocks

Depth: Mid to low intertidal

Diloma concamerata - Wavy Top
Diloma concamerata - Wavy Top
Diloma concamerata - Wavy Top
Diloma concamerata - Wavy Top
Diloma concamerata - Wavy Top
Diloma concamerata - Wavy Top

This common and active snail is found on and under rocks in the intertidal zone, often in great numbers. It has a dark grey to black shell, with regular white radial bars forming a zigzag line. It is similar to Chlorodiloma adelaidae and C. odontis, but its relatively well-defined bars distinguish it from C. adelaidae and it differs from C. odontis which has its white markings aligned with the whorls instead of across them radially.