Cryptopolyzoon wilsoni

Cryptopolyzoon wilsoni

Size: Colony to 8+ cm

Distribution: SA coastal and gulf waters from Coffin Bay to Cape Jervis, including northern Kangaroo Island

Habitat: Rocky reef on rock walls

Depth: Intertidal to 5+ metres

Cryptopolyzoon wilsoni
Cryptopolyzoon wilsoni
Cryptopolyzoon wilsoni
Cryptopolyzoon wilsoni

A cryptic species that is almost certainly more common than the number of records indicates, it is found on rocky reefs as a small bunch of sandy "beaded" threads. The beads contain zooids, from which the feeding tentacles can be seen under reasonable magnification. Although difficult to spot, members of this genus are unlikely to be confused with another organism, and C. concretum, which is also found in SA is reportedly not as delicate in overall appearance and has less obvious separation between the beads.

Further Reference