Pygmy Seahare

Aplysia parvula

Aplysia parvula - Pygmy Seahare
map Distribution
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Size: 6 cm

Distribution: All SA coastal and gulf waters

Habitat: Rocky reef and coast, often in rockpools

Depth: Lower intertidal to 10+ metres

Aplysia parvula - Pygmy Seahare

This sea hare can often be found in the open, in intertidal tide pools or subtidally. It is variable in colour, in shades of pinkish, orange, brown or green. It is usually peppered with white spots, with a black parapodial margin. Its rhinophores and oral tentacles are also black-tipped, although all of these features can be more, or less, well-defined. These features are the most reliable way to differentiate this species from the several other Aplysia species found in SA, along with its relatively small size.