Sacoproteus smaragdinus

Sacoproteus smaragdinus
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Size: 5 cm

Distribution: Few records. Venus Bay, Edithburgh and Encounter Bay

Habitat: Algae beds. Associated with Caulerpa

Depth: Subtidal to 8+ metres

Sacoproteus smaragdinus
Sacoproteus smaragdinus

Extremely difficult to spot amongst the Caulerpa it usually calls home, this sap-sucking sea slug is nonetheless quite large. It is a bright green in colour, with a few scattered blueish white spots on the rounded cerata that closely resemble the ramuli of its food source. Its smooth rhinophores are the same colour as the rest of the animal, but are tipped with the same white shade. It is unknown whether this species is introduced to SA, but it is widespread in the Indo-west Pacific.