Batillaria australis

Batillaria australis
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Size: 5 cm

Distribution: Isolated records from the Port Adelaide area and Lake Macdonnell

Habitat: Estuarine mud flats and mangrove swamps

Depth: Lower intertidal and shallow subtidal

Previously thought to have died out in SA over 10,000 years ago, several specimens have shown up in the state in the last few years. The long conical shell of this species is a tan to grey in colour, with strong spiral ribbing and convex undulating whorls. This species resembles a number of other snails, including Cominella eburnea, but can be distinguished by its lack of colouration, large size and its estuarine habitat. It is thought that the reappearance of this species in SA waters is due to reintroduction from the Eastern states, as has previously been the case in WA.

Further Reference

Seashells of New South Wales