Catriona cf. lucerna

Catriona cf. lucerna
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Size: 2 cm

Distribution: Unknown. A few records from Port Noarlunga

Habitat: Rocky reef

Depth: Shallow subtidal

Catriona cf. lucerna
Catriona cf. lucerna

This species of nudibranch is probably undescribed, although it resembles C. lucerna, which is found in the tropical Indo-west Pacific. The body of the animal is translucent white, and it is covered in relatively bulbous cerata which are pale orange at the base and white at the tip, with a bright orange ring. Its smooth rhinophores are also orange with white tips, while its oral tentacles are the same translucent white as the body, but with opaque white tips. Careful examination based on the above information is needed to distinguish this species from similar species of Anteaeolidiella, Baeolidia, and others.