Callyspongia bilamellata

Callyspongia bilamellata
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Size: 60 cm wide

Distribution: All SA continental waters

Habitat: Rocky reef

Depth: Subtidal to 10+ metres

Callyspongia bilamellata

This large sponge grows on rocky reef on a short stalk that fans out into the main body of the sponge. The sponge itself is usually made up of two semicircular or fan-shaped lobes, but can also be more or less cup shaped. It is usually a light brown through to orange or pinkish in colour, and has a rough, semi-reticulated outside surface. The inside surface is smoother and covered in small osculae. This sponge is often used as a cleaning station by the Western Cleaner Clingfish, and as such, may have larger host species milling around it. This is a distinctive sponge and should be easily recognisable in the field.

Further Reference

Wiedenmayer, F. 1989