Stenetrium armatum

Stenetrium armatum

Size: 6 mm

Distribution: All SA coastal and gulf waters

Habitat: Varied, including rocky coasts and algae beds

Depth: Intertidal and shallow subtidal

This tiny isopod rarely exceeds 5mm in length and is usually much smaller. It is found in a range of habitat types, often among sponges or algae, and is difficult to spot. Isopods in the genus Stenetrium can be recognised by their rostrum and the two pairs of spines on the frontal margin of their head, one in front of the eyes, and another at the edges. Both sets of spines, as well as the rostrum are more or less equal in length, and the rostrum is roughly triangular with a rounded point. This species usually requires close expert examination to distinguish from other asellote isopods (Suborder Asellota), but as the only known member of its genus found in South Australia, the characters described above should be enough to ID it. However, it is highly likely that multiple species exist under its designation, and it is actually a species complex.

Further Reference

Serov & Wilson 1995