Phyllodesmium serratum

Phyllodesmium serratum
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Size: 4 cm

Distribution: Few SA records in gulf waters

Habitat: Rocky reef, associated with octocorals

Depth: 2 to 10 metres

Phyllodesmium serratum
Phyllodesmium serratum

This aeolid nudibranch feeds on soft octocorals, such as Carijoa, and is usually found in association with this food source. It is a translucent white to orange in colour, with white mid-dorsal stripe. Its very long and curved cerata are a pearly translucent white, with orange to white digestive glands visible in the centre. It has long rhinophores and antennae, which are also translucent white. It can be recognised by its long cerata and orange colouration (where present), and is not usually likely to be mistaken for another species. This animal is a possible introduction to Australian waters and is also found in Japan.

Further Reference

The Sea Slug Forum