Dendrodoris albopurpura

Dendrodoris albopurpura
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Size: 7.5 cm

Distribution: Gulf St. Vincent

Habitat: Rocky coast, often on sponges

Depth: Lower intertidal and shallow subtidal

Dendrodoris albopurpura
Dendrodoris albopurpura
Dendrodoris albopurpura

This fleshy nudibranch is white to pale brown in colour, and is covered in warty papillae. It is notable for the sparsely scattered chocolate brown spots on its back, and particularly the row of six or so along the centre of the back. It is similar to Paradoris dubia and Tayuva lilacina, which both lack the obvious papillae, as well as Carminodoris nodulosa, which is not usually as pale, and has longer and more numerous papillae.