Leptochiton badius

Leptochiton badius

Size: 6 mm

Distribution: Few SA records, but likely all SA coastal waters

Habitat: Under rock embedded in sand

Depth: Shallow subtidal

Leptochiton badius

This small chiton rarely reaches more than a half centimetre in length. Its body and its foot are a reddish colour, usually visible through its thin valves, which feature a granulated sculpture. These granules are arranged in longitudinal rows on the pleural areas of the valves, but are distributed randomly on the lateral areas. It has very small scales. There are a number of similary-coloured species, particularly within the Ischnochitons, but this species can be distinguished by its comparitavely small size, and granulated sculpture. The sculpture is also used to separate this species from other leptochitons, but often expert examination is required.