Acanthochitona pilsbryi

Acanthochitona pilsbryi

Size: 1 cm

Distribution: Few SA records. Gulf St. Vincent and eastern Spencer Gulf

Habitat: Under rocks in muddy substrate

Depth: Lower intertidal to 10+ metres

Acanthochitona pilsbryi
Acanthochitona pilsbryi
Acanthochitona pilsbryi
Acanthochitona pilsbryi

This small chiton is found under rocks in muddy or silty areas. It has an especially wide girdle with tufts of short spicules. It has very fine longitudinal striations along the jugal ridge. The rest of the valves are covered in narrow pustules, while the areas in between these pustules often form a zigzag line of pits. This distinctive sculpture distinguishes A. pilsbryi from other species in its genus, although it requires close examination and practice to successfully identify Acanthochiton species.