Giant Cuttlefish

Sepia apama

Sepia apama - Giant Cuttlefish
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Size: 50 cm mantle length

Distribution: All SA coastal and gulf waters

Habitat: Rocky reef, sand, mud and seagrass beds

Depth: Subtidal to 10+ metres

Sepia apama - Giant Cuttlefish
Sepia apama - Giant Cuttlefish

The world's largest species of cuttlefish, this species can grow to 60 cm long. It is usually an orange-brown with small whitish spots, but like many cephalopods, it can change its colouration to provide camouflage. The Giant Cuttlefish is by far the most commonly encountered species in South Australian waters, and can be distinguished by its large size and the three papillae over each eye (although these are not always visible). These cuttlefish aggregate in enormous numbers in the upper Spencer Gulf in the winter months to mate, a phenomenon that draws divers to Whyalla and its surrounds from all over the world.

Further Reference

Australian Museum