
Tilodon sexfasciatus

Tilodon sexfasciatus - Moonlighter (Family Microcanthidae)
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Size: 40 cm

Distribution: All SA continental waters

Habitat: Rocky reef

Depth: Subtidal to 10+ metres

Tilodon sexfasciatus - Moonlighter (Family Microcanthidae)
Tilodon sexfasciatus - Moonlighter (Family Microcanthidae)
Tilodon sexfasciatus - Moonlighter (Family Microcanthidae)

The Moonlighter is one of several black-and-white striped reef fishes found in the waters of South Australia. It can be recognised by its disc-shaped body and triangular head. It is commonly found in areas of low-relief reef, individually or in pairs. Juveniles have a dark ocellus on their dorsal fin, which fades as they mature.