Silver Trevally

Pseudocaranx georgianus

Pseudocaranx georgianus - Silver Trevally
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Size: 90 cm

Distribution: All SA continental waters

Habitat: Rocky reef

Depth: Subtidal to 10+ metres

Pseudocaranx georgianus - Silver Trevally
Pseudocaranx georgianus - Silver Trevally

This large silvery fish is usually found around reefs and rocky outcrops, where it forms schools. It has a flattened and streamlined body, with forked tail and a distinctive dark spot on the operculum. In adults, this spot is large and diffuse, around the same size as the eye, but is often smaller in juveniles. This species is almost identical to Pseudocaranx wrighti, but that species has a smaller and more sharply defined spot (around the size of the pupil). In addition, Pseudocaranx georgianus has either margins on its tail, and/or a yellow midbody streak (for juveniles), neither of which are present in P. wrighti.