Rhyssoplax diaphorus

Rhyssoplax diaphorus

Size: 4.5 cm

Distribution: SA coast and gulf waters from Yorke Peninsula eastwards

Habitat: Rocky reef under rocks

Depth: Subtidal to 5 metres

Rhyssoplax diaphorus
Rhyssoplax diaphorus
Rhyssoplax diaphorus
Rhyssoplax diaphorus
Rhyssoplax diaphorus
Rhyssoplax diaphorus

Rhyssoplax diaphorus is a distinctively keeled chiton with raised lateral areas of its valves. These are green and white striped, while the pleural areas are alternating teal and brown/orange stripes. There is occasionally dark brown to black markings along the dorsum. The species has large pearly scales, in pale greens and browns, with occasional dark brown scales. Found under rocks in the subtidal zone, it is similar to Rhyssoplax jugosa, which is a more uniform olive green in colour and often has dark patches on the lateral areas of the valves, and Rhyssoplax torriana, which does not have the orange and teal stripes in the pleural areas.