Magpie Perch

Pseudogoniistius nigripes

Pseudogoniistius nigripes - Magpie Perch
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Size: 40 cm

Distribution: All SA coastal and gulf waters

Habitat: Rocky reef

Depth: Subtidal to 10+ metres

Pseudogoniistius nigripes - Magpie Perch
Pseudogoniistius nigripes - Magpie Perch
Pseudogoniistius nigripes - Magpie Perch
Pseudogoniistius nigripes - Magpie Perch

A common sight on South Australia's rocky reefs, the Magpie Perch can be seen on the sea floor or scouring the surface of rocks for small invertebrates in the algae. This species is white, with three thick black (or occasionally grey) bars, and usually has a red-orange tail, but this can also sometimes be black. Although this is one of many black-and-white striped species, it can be distinguished from the others by its rounded forehead, thick lips and when present, its reddish forked tail.