Paradoris dubia

Paradoris dubia
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Size: 4 cm

Distribution: All SA coastal and gulf waters

Habitat: Rocky reef and coasts, often under rocks

Depth: Lower intertidal to 10+ metres

Paradoris dubia
Paradoris dubia
Paradoris dubia
Paradoris dubia
Paradoris dubia
Paradoris dubia

This common nudibranch is usually found under rocks in the lower intertidal zone. It is round and fleshy, and cream to brown in colour. Its rhinophores are chocolate brown, and it has small orange and/or brown rings on its back. It could be confused with Rostanga crawfordi and some Jorunna species, which have papillae on their backs, givng them a fuzzy appearance. They are also similar to Dendrodoris albopurpura, but this species has distinctive brown to black spots on its back.