Hypselodoris saintvincentius

Hypselodoris saintvincentius
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Size: 4 cm

Distribution: Gulf waters

Habitat: Rocky reef and coast, often on sponge

Depth: Lower intertidal and shallow subtidal

Hypselodoris saintvincentius
Hypselodoris saintvincentius
Hypselodoris saintvincentius
Hypselodoris saintvincentius
Hypselodoris saintvincentius
Hypselodoris saintvincentius

One of the more commonly encountered species of nudibranch, this striking hypselodoris is pale blue in colour, with darker blue patches, along with even darker blue to black spots as well as creamy yellow spots and lines on its body. The gills and rhiophores are red-orange and white. Once thought to be the tropical H. infucata, which it closely resembles, it has since been established as its own species. However, it is unique in South Australian waters and is unlikely to be mistaken for any local sea slug species.