Goniobranchus cf. tinctorius

Goniobranchus cf. tinctorius
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Size: 10 cm

Distribution: Gulf waters

Habitat: Rocky reef and coast

Depth: Lower intertidal and subtidal

Goniobranchus cf. tinctorius
Goniobranchus cf. tinctorius
Goniobranchus cf. tinctorius
Goniobranchus cf. tinctorius
Goniobranchus cf. tinctorius
Goniobranchus cf. tinctorius

Originally thought to be the tropical Goniobranchus tinctorius, this nudibranch is now understood to be a separate, undescribed species. Growing to around 10cm long, it is white, with a red netted pattern of lines and a series of orange spots around the outside of the animal.