Change Log
January 2025
- Clicked images will now open fullscreen on mobiles and other small devices to increase visible size.
- Implemented a video player. There's currently only one video (Spurilla braziliana), but I expect to add more.
- Finally fixed the background when you click to magnify an image. There's now a slight transparency added.
April 2024
- A performance tweak. All but the first few images will now load on-demand as you scroll, improving initial load times.
- Added some Computer Vision statistics on the Identify page.
- Added the ability to show distribution maps for species. Map graphics and data for specific species will be added as time permits.
- Formatting changes to the anatomy and the new map icons and tooltips. The most significant change is that the icons will now be visible for every species, but greyed out where there is no data.
- Two additional database fields to assist in administration - "RowKeyInt" and "Updated"
November 2023
- Remapped the introduced species icon to a new noxious species label. This is for species on the Noxious species list and covered by relevant legislation, with the icon linking to the relevant PIRSA page.
- Created a new icon to replace the remapped one.
- Complete change of icon set from Microsoft FabricUI to Gooogle Fonts to better support future updates.
October 2023
- Added the ability to include a relevant external link for the species page. These will be populated ad hoc where extra info is available.
- Manually handle AI prediction results for Australian Black Nerite. This will no longer link to the fish page.
- Image updates to some anatomical diagrams to make use of Dall-E 3 in Bing Image Creator.
- Updated tooltip position to make it easier to click links.
August 2023
- Added a feature to automatically identify your image, at least to a coarse-grained level. This will give you a starting point for some of those less well-known marine organisms, and uses image classification technology.
- Added the Change Log.
July 2023
- Added a clickable link to contributing photographers. This links to a gallery to see what they have contributed to the site.
- The alphabetical index of species now has navigation that allows you to jump to the correct letter.
- A small update (colour and position) to the icon for the anatomical diagram (where applicable).
Previous Major Changes
- An icon that shows an anatomical diagram for the organism type (where supported).
- A search feature, allowing you to search on species attributes and keywords.
- Icons indicating introduced species, noxious pest species or potentially dangerous ones.
- A "New" page, spotlighting the 10 most recent additions/updates.
- An Index page. You can now view an alphabetical list of species (by scientific name).